Cancelling Your Account
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You may cancel your membership at any time by disabling the automatic renewal feature on the “Your Account” page. If the automatic renewal feature is turned off as of the expiration date, your account will be suspended on the expiration date.
To disable this feature and cancel your membership, follow these steps:
1. Go to the “Your Account” page and click the “Cancel Account” button at the bottom of the “Membership Details” section:
2. Click the red “Confirm Cancel” button to confirm that you would like to cancel your account:
3. Once you click Submit, the Your Account page will reflect that your subscription will end at the end of the billing cycle:
Note that you will not be eligible for a refund of the unused portion of the billing cycle or any data plan fees. Annual members may be eligible for refunds on full unused months upon cancellation. Please see our Refund Policy for more details.
If you decide not to cancel, click on the “Change” link next to Renewal Cycle in the “Membership Details” section, choose either Monthly or Annual Renewal, and click the “Save and Update” button to cancel the scheduled cancellation.