Markets We Cover


Currently, StockCharts has access to data from the following markets:

  • New York Stock Exchange (US)

  • Nasdaq Stock Exchange (US)

  • Amex Stock Exchange (US)

  • BATS Exchange (US)

  • TSX Stock Exchange (Canada)

  • TSX-Venture Stock Exchange (Canada)

  • Canadian Securities Exchange (Canada)

  • NEO Exchange (Canada)

  • London Stock Exchange (UK)

  • National Stock Exchange of India (India)

We have datasets for most ticker symbols in each market we cover, but that doesn't necessarily mean we have all ticker symbols. We don't automatically provide quotes for extremely low-priced stocks since technical analysis techniques do not work with such stocks, and the charts for those stocks can be highly misleading.

If you would like to see a ticker symbol for a stock in a market we cover and that symbol isn't in our database, you can request that we add that symbol by using our Symbol Request Form.

Other Financial Data

In addition to securities data from the markets listed above, StockCharts offers data for a wide range of indexes, market breadth indicators, economic indicators, cryptocurrencies, currencies, commodities, and futures. Details of those offerings can be found in our Index Catalog.

If you'd like to chart your own data, our User-Defined Index feature allows you to create and chart your own symbols.

Last updated

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