Managing Your Subscription
Subscriptions to are valid for a given period, based on the amount of time you have paid for. The expiration date for your subscription is displayed on the Your Account page.
Automatic Renewal
Automatic Renewal ensures that your account will always be available and your charts and settings will never be deleted.
Your account is configured for automatic renewal by default. When it is about to expire, we automatically renew it for the same duration and service level as the last time it was renewed. Several days before we auto-renew an annual renewal account, we send an email reminder explaining what will happen.
Your Automatic Renewal settings can be changed anytime by visiting the Your Account page and clicking the “Change” link next to Renewal Cycle in the “Membership Details” section. You can choose Monthly Renewal or Annual Renewal. Click the “Submit Changes” button to complete the process.
Note: If you do not want your subscription to be automatically renewed on the expiration date, click the “Cancel Account” button at the bottom of the “Membership Details” section. Your subscription will not be automatically renewed; your account will be canceled on your expiration date.
Upgrading Your Service Level
Members can upgrade their current service level anytime on the Your Account page. Click on the “Change” link next to your Service Level in the “Membership Details” section. Then click the “Upgrade” button for the appropriate service level and click “Continue” to complete your desired change.
During the one-month free trial period at the start of a new subscription, members can upgrade (or downgrade) their account for free.
We charge a fee to upgrade an existing account. The fee is essentially equal to the prorated cost difference between the original service level and the new service level. The exact cost of the upgrade is displayed after the “Upgrade” button is pressed.
Downgrading Your Service Level
Members can downgrade their current service level at any time on the Your Account page. Simply click the “Change” link next to your Service Level in the “Membership Details” section. Then click the “Downgrade” button for the appropriate service level and click “Continue” to change your service level.
If you downgrade your account, the downgrade will take effect at the end of your billing month. No refunds will be issued for the current partially used month of service.
Note: If you downgrade to the Basic service level, you will be prompted for the name of the ChartList you wish to use as your single Basic ChartList. Ensure all charts you want to keep are stored in the ChartList you select before completing the downgrade process. Charts stored in other ChartLists will be deleted once the downgrade is complete.
Adding Data Plans
Members can add new data plans to their account anytime on the Your Account page. Simply click the “Add/Remove” link next to your Data Plans in the “Membership Details section. Then click the “Add Plan” button next to any data plans you wish to add and click “Continue.”
We charge a fee for adding a real-time data plan to an existing account. The fee is essentially equal to the pro-rated cost of the data plan for the number of days left in your billing cycle. The exact cost of the change is displayed after the “Continue” button is pressed.
Removing Data Plans
Members can remove data plans from their account anytime on the Your Account page. Simply click the “Add/Remove” link next to your Data Plans in the “Membership Details” section. Then uncheck the “Add Plan” button for any data plans you wish to remove and click “Continue.”
If you downgrade your account, the downgrade will take effect at the end of your billing month. No refunds will be issued for the removed data plan.
Cancelling Your Account
You can cancel your account anytime by clicking the “Cancel Account” button at the bottom of the “Membership Details” section. The cancellation will take effect at the end of your billing month.
Step-by-Step Instructions: Cancelling Your Account
Reactivating an Expired Account
If your account expires before you can renew it, you will have one year from account expiration to reactivate your account before we remove your saved charts, scans, and settings from our system. To reactivate an expired account, attempt to log in to the site as usual. You will see a message that your account has expired, with a link to a page where you can reactivate your account. Click the link, then follow the instructions to complete the reactivation process.
Viewing Previous Transactions
You can view and print invoices for previous transactions from the Your Account page. Simply click on the “See Transaction History” button in the “Account Details” section to see a list of your previous transactions.
Click the “Get Invoice” button to view the invoice for a particular order. To generate a combined invoice for multiple transactions, select a start and end date range below the list of transactions, then click the “Generate Invoice” button.
If you would like to print the invoice after it has been created, click the “Print Invoice” button on the invoice page.
Last updated
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