Several ticker symbols we recognize do not represent actual data in our database. Instead, these symbols contain data that is useful in very specific contexts. We call these ticker symbols “Pseudo-Symbols.” One prominent pseudo-symbol we have is:
$ONE. This index always contains the value “1” for all its data fields. It is mainly used to generate the reciprocal of any other ticker symbol in our database by using it in the first position of a Ratio Symbol - e.g., $ONE:$VIX. This is one easy way to create an inverse chart.
We have three symbols that are useful in creating ChartStyles that focus on relative strength:
$SYMBOL. This index equals the “main” ticker symbol in a SharpChart.
$SECTOR. This index equals the sector ETF of the sector to which the main ticker symbol belongs.
$INDUSTRY. This index equals the industry index for the industry to which the main ticker symbol belongs.
So, for example, you could use these symbols to create a ChartStyle with a “Price” Indicator of “$SYMBOL:$SECTOR” - then, regardless of the ticker symbol you apply the style to, we would then plot a sector-based relative strength line on the chart. These pseudo-symbols are available with US symbols with a sector and industry assigned to them.
We also have several “theoretical” pattern symbols that contain “perfect” versions of different price patterns for use in studying the behavior of technical indicators when such patterns appear on a chart. All such symbols have “$TH” at their start, as seen below:
$THSAW. This index contains a “perfect” sawtooth pattern for studying 45-degree reversals.
$THSINE. This index contains a “perfect” sine-wave pattern for studying rounded reversals.
$THHS. This index contains “perfect” head-and-shoulders reversal patterns.
$THEW. This index contains “perfect” Elliott Wave patterns.
$THSS. This index contains a “perfect” set of sawtooth wave patterns that are themselves contained in a larger period sawtooth pattern.
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