How to Find a Ticker Symbol

The quickest and easiest way to search the StockCharts site for a ticker symbol is to use the Create-a-Chart bar at the top of any page.

Finding ticker symbols with the Create-a-Chart bar in
The Create-a-Chart bar in

We'll walk you through four symbol search scenarios, showing how the Create-a-Chart bar can help you find ticker symbols on the StockCharts website.

Finding the Ticker for Netflix

Scenario 1. You want to find the ticker symbol for Netflix and launch a SharpChart for that stock.

Step 1:

Begin typing the word “Netflix” in the Create-a-Chart bar. A dropdown list with possible ticker symbol matches will update as you type each letter.

To find ticker symbols in start typing name of security
To find a ticker symbol start typing the name of the security

Step 2:

Find Netflix on the list and click on it with your mouse.

Click on the security you are looking for to bring up the chart.
When you find the security you're looking for, click on it.

When you click on the symbol, a SharpChart will be launched for Netflix.

Launch a Seasonality Chart for MSFT

You may already know a stock's ticker symbol, but you want to launch a different kind of chart.

Scenario 2. You want to launch a Seasonality chart for Microsoft.

Step 1:

Click on the dropdown menu on the left side of the Create-a-Chart bar, then click Seasonality.

To view different types of chart click on the dropdown menu in the Create-a-Chart bar.
Select Seasonality from the dropdown menu to bring up a Seasonality chart.

Step 2:

Type “MSFT” in the search box and click “Go” (or press the Enter key on your keyboard).

When you click “Go,” a Seasonality chart will be launched for Microsoft.

Find Out Where General Motors is Mentioned on the Site

The Create-a-Chart bar can be used for more than just launching charts.

Scenario 3. You want to use the Create-a-Chart bar to find all the references to GM on the StockCharts website, including blog articles, Public ChartLists, etc.

Step 1:

Click on the dropdown menu on the left side of the Create-a-Chart bar and change it to Symbol Lookup.

The first step in looking for where a security has been mentioned in is to type in a symbol under Symbol Lookup.
You can find where a specific security has been mentioned in

Step 2:

Enter “GM” in the search box, then click Go to run a search for symbols that meet your criteria. GM should be near the top of the list.

Step 3:

Find GM on the list of symbol search results, then click on the Mentions icon to the right.

To find pages where a security has been mentioned, click the Mentions icon to the right of the symbol
Click the Mentions icon on the Symbol search results page.

The Symbol Mentions page will display basic details about the ticker symbol, then show all the places on the site where it is mentioned, including Predefined Scans, Public ChartLists, your own ChartLists, and StockCharts commentary. This is a great way to get an overall picture of what's happening with a stock or security.

Find All Bullish Percent Indexes

Sometimes, you may want to search for a group of related symbols. Here's an example of how to search for all the Bullish Percent Indexes available in StockCharts.

Step 1:

Type bullish percent in the Create-a-Chart bar search box. Notice that there are more Bullish Percent Indexes than can be displayed on the dropdown list.

Step 2:

Click on More Results for BULLISH PERCENT at the bottom of the list.

You can look for all Bullish Percent Indexes in by typing in Bullish Percent in the Create-a-Bar search
You can search for groups of related symbols. Here, you see an example of how to search for all Bullish Percent Indexes.

The More Results link takes you to the same place as the Symbol Lookup technique used in the previous scenario, a handy shortcut for doing symbol lookups. This shows all symbols with “Bullish Percent” in their name.

It's All About Ticker Symbols

While the main function of the Create-a-Chart bar is to create charts, it can also help you find ticker symbols on the StockCharts website. This is especially handy when you need clarification of a stock's name or exact spelling or want to find a list of related symbols.

If a ticker symbol isn't listed in the Symbol Lookup results, the symbol isn't available for charting. You can, however, request that we add it using our Symbol Request Form.

Last updated