Market Summary
Designed by John Murphy, the Market Summary page gives a quick impression of the major market averages and common indexes—typically during the current market session.
The Market Summary page contains several tables summarizing significant market areas, including major markets and indexes, sectors and industries, international markets, bonds, commodities, cryptocurrencies, currencies, and market breadth measures (such as Bullish Percent Indicators).
Accessing the Market Summary
You can access the Market Summary from the following areas:
The Member Tools or Market Overview areas of Your Dashboard
The Summary Pages section of the Charts & Tools page.
Market Summary Versions
Many items in the regular Market Summary are indexes or indicators that are only updated after the market closes. To overcome that limitation, StockCharts offers different versions of the Market Summary, each using a slightly different set of indexes, indicators, and ETFs to summarize the market.
There are four versions of the Market Summary available:
Intraday. Displays market summary info using symbols that update throughout the trading day
End-Of-Day. Displays market summary info using symbols that update at the end of the trading day
ETF. Displays market summary info using only ETFs
Combined. Displays market summary info using all symbols from the Intraday and End-Of-Day versions
You can change the dropdown menu above the Market Summary to a different version.
Using the Market Summary
The Market Summary offers two views—Table View, which provides a compact look at the data, and Chart View, which displays half-size charts and tabular market data. You can switch between these two views by clicking the Table View or Chart View tabs at the top of the page.
Table View
Each table shows the symbol with the latest price, the change since the previous close (in numeric and histogram format), and the quote time (using the Eastern time zone). The data is updated continually during market hours.
The left column of each row contains a menu from where you can choose to display the symbol, i.e., SharpChart, ACP Chart, Gallery View, Point & Figure, or Seasonality chart. You can view the options chains for a specific symbol if options are available.
Additional List Functionality
The Market Summary tables have the same functionality as most lists in
Click the Columns button at the top to show or hide columns in the list.
To sort by a different column, click the double-arrow icon next to the column header.
To sort by multiple columns (e.g., sort by column A and then, within each value for A, sort by column B), click the first column, then hold down the shift key while selecting the second column.
You can also search the items in the list by typing in the Search Table box at the top right.
Chart View
In Chart View, each section shows the symbol with the latest price and the change since the previous close. The data is updated continually during market hours.
To view the half-size chart of a different symbol, click on the symbol in the table on the right.
Click the appropriate icon below the chart to launch a full-size SharpChart, Gallery View, Point & Figure, or Seasonality chart for that symbol.
Market Summary Style
StockCharts members can customize the settings and indicators used for the half-size charts in the Market Summary by creating a ChartStyle with a specific name. If your account has a ChartStyle named Market Summary, it'll be used instead of the default style when displaying charts in the Market Summary.
To change how charts on the Market Summary page look, create a chart that looks the way you want your Market Summary charts to look, then save it as a ChartStyle named “Market Summary.” Visit the Chart View of the Market Summary page to see your new settings/indicators on the charts.
Additional Resources
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