Navigating the Website
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There are several ways to move around Each of our pages has helpful links at the top (the “Page Header”) and the bottom (the “Page Footer”) that can get you where you need to go. In addition, we have our Site Map and our helpful Support Center.
Most of the pages on our website have an area at the top called the page header that can help you navigate to anywhere you need to go. Each page header contains the following:
StockCharts Logo
Utility Links
Main Menu
Create-a-Chart Bar
You can always return to the StockCharts homepage by clicking on the StockCharts logo in the upper left corner of any of our pages. You will be redirected to Your Dashboard if you are a logged-in member.
Our Utility links are located in the upper right corner of our pages. This area looks different depending on if you are logged in or logged out.
If you are logged out, you will see the following buttons in the upper right corner of our pages:
Login. Members can click this button and enter their User ID and password to log in to their account.
Sign Up. Non-members can click this button to learn more about subscribing.
If you are logged in, you can click on your name or the “person” icon in the upper right corner to see a handy member menu:
Your ChartLists. Click here for quick access to all your saved ChartLists.
Your Scans. Click here to access the Advanced Scan Workbench.
Your Alerts. Click here to go to the Alert Center and view all your saved alerts.
Your Account. Click here to change/update your account settings.
Support Center. Click here to go to our online Support area.
Contact Us. Click here to contact us using our Support Request Form.
Log Out. Click here to log out of your account. Typically, you would do this using a shared computer, such as those found at a public library.
Remember, if logged in, you will see the person icon and/or your name at the top of the page. Your name may not be displayed on smaller screens, but you can always access the menu by clicking on the person icon.
Below the StockCharts logo at the top of the page are several navigation links that you can use to move into each of the main areas of the website. These include the following:
Charts & Tools. Links and descriptions for all of our charting tools
Articles. Current market commentary from our experts
StockCharts TV. Tune in to our 24/7 technical analysis video streaming channel
ChartSchool. Our comprehensive educational articles about technical analysis
Your Dashboard. This members-only dashboard provides access to all of our most used tools, reports, and commentary, including members-only features
On the right side, you'll see links to the following:
Store. Browse the StockCharts online store for books, ACP Plug-Ins, ChartPacks, logo merchandise, and more
Help. Navigate our online support area for answers to any questions you may have or ask C.B., our Support ChatBot
Search. Click on the magnifying glass icon and enter search terms into the search box
Note that these main menu links might be hidden in a dropdown menu on smaller screens. Select the three horizontal lines icon on the right side of the header to access this important menu.
Above the main menu is our Create-a-Chart bar, which you can use to quickly access many charting tools from almost anywhere on the StockCharts website.
The Create-a-Chart bar's dropdown menu lets you select which one of our charting tools you want to use. The menu is initially set to “SharpCharts,” our standard bar/candlestick charts. The full list of tools available in the menu is below:
Symbol Summary. A high-level summary with technicals, fundamentals, and more.
SharpChart. Our main bar/candlestick charting tool.
ACP. Our interactive Advanced Charting Platform.
Point & Figure. Charts with columns of X's and O's.
PerfChart. Overlaid performance lines for up to 10 different ticker symbols.
CandleGlance. Up to 30 different mini-charts on one page.
Seasonality. Average monthly returns for a ticker symbol.
Gallery View. Four predefined charts for studying different periods.
RRG. Charts showing relative strength and momentum for a group of symbols.
Symbol Lookup. Search our symbol catalog for a specified phrase.
Next to the menu is a long text box where you can type in a phrase, typically one or more ticker symbols, that goes with your charting tool selection. You can use commas to separate multiple symbols if you enter more than one ticker symbol.
Note that the long text box has a built-in auto-complete feature. As you type the name of a stock, index, or mutual fund we support, the symbols that match what you have typed so far will be automatically displayed. This can be useful if you need help determining the ticker symbol you want.
You can select the symbol you want from the list or click More Results For at the bottom to see more ticker symbols matching your search. If you already know the ticker symbol you want, just type the symbol in this box and click Go (or press “Enter” on the keyboard) to create a chart for that symbol.
Step-by-Step Instructions. Using the Create-a-Chart Bar to Find Ticker Symbols
If you often select a specific tool other than SharpCharts, you can specify that tool as the default to use on the Create-a-Chart bar. Click the star next to the tool you'd like to set as the default.
The default tool (indicated with a yellow star) will be pre-selected each time you use the Create-a-Chart bar in the future.
All ChartSchool and Support Center pages also have a list of links just below the header called “Breadcrumbs.” These can also help you navigate pages within ChartSchool or the Support Center. Click any links in that line to return “up the chain” links.
At the bottom of most pages on our site is a dark blue Page Footer, which has additional links to commonly used resources. You can find links to popular tools, educational resources, and more here.
The Page Footer also contains icon links to our social media pages: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
You can also sign up for our ChartWatchers Newsletter from the Page Footer. Enter your email address in the signup box at the top of the Page Footer, and click the Sign Up button.
The Site Map is a high-level diagram of all the pages on It's useful for moving quickly from one website area to another. It gives a big-picture view of how the most important pages on our site are organized. Click any links on the Site Map page to go directly to the corresponding page.
Site Search allows you to find articles that contain specific keywords and phrases. It also lets members search their ChartLists for specific charts and ticker symbols.
The Site Search box is on the right side of the Page Header on most web pages. Just click the magnifying glass icon next to the main tabs in order to access the box. Then, simply add your search criteria and press Search.
By default, searching in the Site Search box in the top right corner of our website will show you Support Center articles and other information about the StockCharts site. Click on the dropdown menu above the search results to select any of the following website sections to search through (the default selection is Support Articles).
Blog Articles. Search all the blog articles on our site. Search results can be limited to articles by a specific author using the dropdown menu above the search results.
ChartSchool Articles. Search all the educational articles in ChartSchool.
My Saved Charts. Members can search all their ChartLists for charts of the specified symbol. Click the chart name to launch the chart, or click the list name to launch the ChartList in Summary View.
Public ChartLists. Search all Public ChartLists.
Support Articles. Search for information about how to use our website and more general information about StockCharts.
Symbols. Search for ticker symbols available on our site.
In addition, buttons at the bottom of each search results page allow you to try your search on other website areas.
When searching for symbols, you will be presented with basic information about each symbol and links to launch a SharpChart, GalleryView Chart, P&F Chart, or Seasonality Chart for the ticker symbol.
Click the “Symbol Mentions” icon on the right to get more detailed information about the symbol, along with links to anywhere that symbol is mentioned in blog articles, predefined scan results, Public ChartLists, your custom ChartLists, and more.