How to save a blog writer's annotations in your ChartLists

Here's how you can save someone else's annotations when you save their chart into your own ChartList.

Below is a chart presented by Arthur Hill, one of StockCharts' blog contributors. In the chart Arthur highlights some simple support and resistance areas.

Example of chart showing support and resistance areas which you can share in
Annotations showing support and resistance areas.

To save the above chart without the annotations, click on it and use the Save or Save As buttons above the chart. This will erase all the annotations.

Example of how to save a blog writer's chart without annotations
How to save a blog writer's chart without the annotations.

To retain the annotations, click the Annotations link below the chart before saving the chart.

Example showing how to save a blog writer's chart annotations in
To save chart annotations, click the Annotate link before saving the chart.

This opens the ChartNotes annotation tool. Click the Save button (see below).

Example of saving a blog writer's chart annotations in Click the Save button in the Annotations tool.
Saving a blog writer's chart annotations.

Give the annotated chart a name you like, and save it into your ChartList.

To save a blog writer's annotated charts in your ChartList, name the chart and save.
Saving a blog writer's annotated chart to your ChartList.

The annotations will now appear in your saved chart.

Last updated